When I write replies to questions on StackOverflow and places like that recommending that people abandon CGI programs in favour of something that uses PSGI, I often get some push-back from people claiming that PSGI makes things far too complicated. I don’t believe that’s true. But I think I know why they say it. I […]
London Perl Workshop Review

(Photo by Mark Keating) Last Saturday was the annual London Perl Workshop. And, as always, it was a great opportunity to soak up the generosity, good humour and all-round-awesomeness of the European Perl community. I say “European” as the LPW doesn’t just get visitors from London or the UK. There are many people who attend […]
The Long Death of CGI.pm
CGI.pm has been removed from the core Perl distribution. From 5.22, it is no longer included in a standard Perl installation. There are good technical reasons for this. CGI is a dying technology. In 2015, there are far better ways to write web applications in Perl. We don’t want to be seen to encourage the […]
LPW Slides
A more detailed write-up of the LPW will follow in the next few days. But in the meantime, here are the slides to the three talks I gave. Modern Web Development with Perl from Dave Cross Conference Driven Publishing from Dave Cross Improving Dev Assistant from Dave Cross
London Perl Workshop 2015
This time next week we will all be enjoying the London Perl Workshop. I thought it was worth looking at what the day has in store. As always (well, except that one time when they had no power) the LPW will take place at the Cavendish Campus of the University of Westminster. I’m told there […]