Tag: yapceu2016

  • Feedback


    During the week, Barbie sent out the results from the feedback survey that he ran after YAPC Europe. The general results will be published later, but all of the speakers will have received an email containing the feedback from their talks. That feedback is private, but I’m happy to share mine with the world. The…

  • YAPC Europe 2016

    YAPC Europe 2016

    I’ve been back from Cluj-Napoca for almost a week, so I should really write down what I remember about YAPC Europe before it’s all forgotten. Day -1 I arrived in Cluj-Napoca on Sunday evening and got to my hotel quickly. There was just time for a quick meal before bed. Monday was the day that…

  • DamianWare


    Yesterday at YAPC Europe I gave a talk called “Error(s) Free Programming”. The slides are below, but it might make more sense once the video is online. Error(s) Free Programming from Dave Cross The talk is about Damian Conway’s module Lingua::EN::Inflexion and how it makes programmers’ lives easier. As part of the talk, I invented…

  • Cultured  Perl

    Cultured Perl

    Back in about 2008, I set up a group blog called “Cultured Perl”. The idea was to have a blog that concentrated on the Perl community rather than the technical aspects that most Perl bloggers write about most of the time. It didn’t last very long though and after a few posts it quietly died.…

  • Intended Audience

    Intended Audience

    I thought I’d pretty much finished blogging about my upcoming Modern Web Development with Perl and Dancer training course. But a couple of days ago I saw a tweet that reminded me about an aspect that I’d completely forgotten. could you give a few details about the intended audience? Perl level? Familiarity with x? Etc?…