GitHub Actions for Perl Development

GitHub Actions for Perl Development

You might remember that I’ve been taking an interest in GitHub Actions for the last year or so (I even wrote a book on the subject). And at the Perl Conference in Toronto last summer I gave a talk called “GitHub Actions for Perl Development” (here are the slides and the video). During that talk, […]

GitHub Organisations

Perl Tools Team logo

I’ve mentioned before how much I enjoyed Olaf Alders’ talk, Whither Perl, at the Perl and Raku Conference in Toronto last month. I think it’s well worth spending forty minutes watching it. It triggered a few ideas that I’ll be writing about over the coming weeks and, today, I wanted to start by talking briefly […]

Perl Conference in Riga

Riga Cat

It’s only two weeks until I head to Riga for PerlCon 2019. I thought it was worthwhile posting a quick update confirming that I was going and telling you what I would be doing there. Firstly, I’ve previously mentioned that I was planning to run my “Modern Web Development with Dancer” workshop on the day […]

Perl Weekly Challenge – 2019-03-25

I’m not sure that I’ll have time to do these every week, but here are my answers to this week’s two Perl Weekly Challenges. Challenge #1 Write a script to replace the character ‘e’ with ‘E’ in the string ‘Perl Weekly Challenge’. Also print the number of times the character ‘e’ found in the string.

Nothing really complicated here. We can […]