Some articles that were originally published on

  • Changing Hash Behaviour With Tie
    Perl has the ability to hide complex objects behind simple-looking variable types. In this article, Dave Cross looks at how this is achieved.
  • Creating Data Output Files with the Template Toolkit
    The Template Toolkit is one of the most powerful Perl tools for the creation of data that is a mixture of fixed and variable content. This obviously makes it very suitable for the production of web pages. In this article Dave Cross looks at its wider potential for creating output data files.
  • Finding CGI Scripts
    Many people's first experience of Perl comes when they download a free CGI script from the web. In this article Dave Cross discusses why that might be a bad way to start.
  • How We Wrote The Template Toolkit Book Using Template Toolkit
    Dave Cross explains how Perl Template Toolkit was written with a large amount of help from the Template Toolkit
  • Overloading Perl Objects
    In this article Dave Cross looks at a very powerful (but underused) area of Perl.
  • Perl Command Line Options
    In this beginner level article, Dave Cross looks at some of Perl's command line options.
  • Perl’s Special Variables
    In this beginner level article, Dave Cross looks at some of Perl's internal variables.

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