
Yesterday at YAPC Europe I gave a talk called “Error(s) Free Programming”. The slides are below, but it might make more sense once the video is online.

The talk is about Damian Conway’s module Lingua::EN::Inflexion and how it makes programmers’ lives easier. As part of the talk, I invented a logo for the fictional DamianWare brand. DamianWare is, of course, a brand that specialises in using deep Perl magic in order to produce tools that help Perl programmers be lazier.

It was just a joke. A throwaway visual to make a point in the presentation. But after the talk Mallory approached me and suggested that the logo would look great on a t-shirt which was sold to benefit The Perl Foundation. I couldn’t really argue with that.

And, having emailed him overnight, it turns out that Damian agrees it’s a good idea too.

So the shirts (and a couple of other things) are now available on Spreadshirt (currently the UK version, I’ll try to make them more widely available as soon as possible).

There’s an easier to remember URL at http://perlhacks.com/damian.

Any profit that I make (and I think it’s about 20% of the sale price) will be donated to TPF as soon as I receive it.

Also published on Medium.

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