Introducing People to Perl

Dreaming Spires

For most of last week I was out of London running three days of Perl training for… well, I probably shouldn’t name them, so let’s just call them a well-known British educational establishment. The photo above is a big clue. The people I was training were IT support staff; the people who keep many of […]

Training in Glasgow

It’s June, which means it’s only a couple of months until the Europe Perl community descends en masse on Glasgow for this year’s Perl Conference (formerly known as YAPC). For me, that also means I need to start planning the training courses I’ll be running before the conference. And for you, it means you need to […]

Amsterdam Training Questionnaire

Update: I’ve closed this survey earlier than I expected to. For various personal reasons, I’ve decided that I just don’t have the time to attend the conference in Amsterdam. It was back in the middle of March that I first raised the question of running some training in conjunction with the Perl Conference in Amsterdam […]

What Training Should I Run In Amsterdam?

The Perl Conference (formerly known as YAPC) in Amsterdam is getting closer. Oh, sure, it’s not imminent, but in five months time it will all be over. And there’s a lot to get done in those five months. I’m glad I’m not one of the organisers. But there is something that I need to get […]

Intended Audience

I thought I’d pretty much finished blogging about my upcoming Modern Web Development with Perl and Dancer training course. But a couple of days ago I saw a tweet that reminded me about an aspect that I’d completely forgotten. could you give a few details about the intended audience? Perl level? Familiarity with x? Etc? […]