Perl Weekly Challenge – 2019-03-25

I’m not sure that I’ll have time to do these every week, but here are my answers to this week’s two Perl Weekly Challenges. Challenge #1 Write a script to replace the character ‘e’ with ‘E’ in the string ‘Perl Weekly Challenge’. Also print the number of times the character ‘e’ found in the string.

Nothing really complicated here. We can […]

Fixing a Bug

Fixing a Bug

I fixed a bug earlier this week. Ok, actually, I introduced a bug and then spent the next few hours tracking it down and fixing it – but that doesn’t sound quite so positive, does it? I thought it might be interesting to talk you through the bug and the fix. I should point out […]

Driving a Business with Perl

I’ve been a freelance programmer for over twenty years. One really important part of the job is getting paid for the work I do. Back in 1995 when I started out there wasn’t all of the accounting software available that you get now and (if I recall correctly) the little that was available was all […]