
This page will contain details of various talks I have given. Combining these talks from various places will be a work in progress for some time. Please bear with me.


London Perl Workshop

A two-hour long introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Moose. It also (conveniently) served as a taster for Perl School 3.

An idea to rewrite Mat Wright’s scripts (again) but this time using all the modern tools and best practices we can muster.

25 Years of Perl (in about 25 minutes)

Slightly experimental, this one. It’s not on Slideshare as I used an HTML/Javascript presentation tool called Impress.js.

Unfortunately, my laptop battery died just before I finished the talk, so no-one saw my big finish. But it’s in this version. I just wanted to thank everyone who has been at all involved with Perl in the last 25 years.

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