Training in Cluj

I’m going to be running a day of training before YAPC Europe in Cluj. It’ll be on Tuesday 23rd August. But that’s all I know about the course so far, because I want your help to plan it.

Training has been a part of the YAPC experience for a long time. And I’ve often run courses alongside YAPC Europe. I took a look back through my talk archives and this is what I found.

  • 2003 (Paris) – I gave a half-day tutorial on “Tieing and Overloading Objects”
  • 2006 (Birmingham) – Another half-day tutorial called “Advanced Databases for Beginners”
  • 2008 (Copenhagen) – The “Perl Teach-In” was a one-day course about new and interesting Perl tools
  • 2009 (Lisbon) – A two-day “Introduction to Perl” course
  • 2010 (Pisa) – “Introducing Modern Perl”
  • 2011 (Riga) – “Introducing Modern Perl” (I had completely forgotten giving the same course two years running)
  • 2015 (Granada) – “Database Programming with DBIx::Class and Perl”

The first two (the half-day courses) were both given as part of the main conference. The others were all separate courses run before the conference. For those, you needed to pay extra – but it was a small amount compared with normal Perl training rates.

So now it’s 2016 and I want to run a training course in Cluj. But what should it be about? That’s where you come it. I want you to tell me what you want training on.

I’m happy to update any of the courses listed above. Or, perhaps I could cover something new this year. I have courses that I have never given at YAPC – on Moose, testing, web development and other things. Or I’d be happy to come up with something completely new that you want to hear about.

Please comment on this post, telling me your opinions. I’ll let the discussion run for a couple of weeks, then I’ll collate the most popular-looking choices and run a poll to choose which course I’m going to run.

Don’t forget – training in Cluj on 23rd August. If you’re booking travel and accommodation for the conference then please take that into account.

Oh, and hopefully it won’t just be me. If you’re a trainer and you’re going to be in Cluj for the conference, then please get in touch and we’ll add you to the list. The more courses we can offer, the better.

So here’s your chance to control the YAPC training schedule. What courses would you like to see?

Also published on Medium.

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