What New(ish) Perl features Do You Use?

Over on LinkedIn, someone asked me “What core PERL[sic] features do you use regularly that are new since 95?” It’s hard to be sure as the perldelta files only seem to go back to 1997 (for example, when were qw(…), q(…) and qq(…) added?), but here’s a quick list off the top of my head. […]

What is Modern Perl?

I wrote an article for Josette called “What is Modern Perl?” In it, I talk about the different things that people might mean when they talk about Modern Perl and why it’s well worth buying a copy of the new edition of the camel book. After a gap of twelve years, a new edition of […]

Yet More Modern Perl in Linux Format

Over the weekend the postman bought me my subscribption copy of Linux Format issue 155. This contains the third (and final) part of my Modern Perl tutorial. In this part we’re adding features to the Dancer web application that we started in issue 153. This series has concentrated on web applications (with Dancer) and database […]

More Modern Perl in Linux Format

Yesterday’s post bought my subscription copy of Linux Format issue 153. This issue contains the second article in my short series about Modern Perl. In this article we take the simple DBIx::Class application that we wrote last time and put a web front end on it using Dancer. Over the next few days I’ll be […]