Training Debrief

During the second week of February, I ran my (approximately) annual public Perl training courses in association with FlossUK. Things were organised slightly differently this year. Previously we’ve run two two-day “general purpose” courses – one on Intermediate Perl and one on Advanced Perl. This year we ran four courses, each of which were on […]

The Joy of Prefetch

If you heard me speak at YAPC or you’ve had any kind of conversation with me over the last few weeks then it’s likely you’ve heard me mention the secret project that I’ve been writing for my wife’s school. To give you a bit of background, there’s one afternoon a week where the students at […]

DBIC Training in Granada

It’s been a while since I’ve run a training course alongside a YAPC. By my calculations, the last time was Riga in 2011. But I’ve been talking to the organisers of this year’s conference and we have plan. I’m going to be running a one-day introductory course on DBIx::Class before the conference (I think it’ll […]


Three times in the last few months I’ve had the “DBIC or raw DBI” discussion. People have told me that they don’t use DBIC because raw DBI is better. And each time, the person promoting DBI in the discussion has used an argument that boils down to “DBIC is probably useful for people who don’t […]

Modern Perl in Linux Format

A couple of times, I’ve complained here about the standard of Perl articles in the British magazine Linux Format. Following the second of those articles I got into a discussion with Graham Morrison, the editor of the magazine and he offered me the opportunity to improve matters by writing my own short series of tutorials […]