This generated a lot of discussion in a training course that I ran this week so I thought it was worth sharing more widely. I think you can say that you understand the concept of context in Perl if you know what these four statements will print and (more importantly) can explain why they don’t […]
Modern Perl Web Development
Modern Web Development with Perl from Dave Cross Last Saturday was the annual London Perl Workshop. I’ll have more to say about the day later[1], but I just wanted to take the time to share the slides for the workshop that I ran in the morning. It was a quick guide to modern Perl web […]
Evolving Software with Moose
Evolving Software with Moose from Dave Cross Last night I was speaking at the Milton Keynes Perl Mongers technical meeting. I gave a new talk about how Moose (and, in particular, Moose traits) make Perlanet easier to maintain and enhance. The slides are available on Slideshare.
This blog has, until now, run on Movable Type. I initially chose Movable Type when I set up my first self-hosted blog back in 2002. Back then Movable Type was the only real choice in this area and it had the bonus that it was written in Perl so I could hack on it if […]
Too Easy or Too Hard
We hear a lot of people complaining that programming in Perl is too difficult, but I think that a lot of these problems stem from people making the opposite assumption – that writing Perl is easier than it actually is. Let me share a couple of examples. I’ve lightly disguised the companies in question – […]