Learning About Traits

I’ve been teaching basic Moose in my training courses for several years now. And, as I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been slowly converting some of my CPAN modules to use Moose. But there are still bits of Moose that I haven’t really needed to get to grips with. One such area is Moose’s support for Traits. […]

Ironman and XML::Feed

Sam Graham complains that since the Ironman feed switched to using Perlanet, the entries have been “mangled”. By that he means that in some cases any HTML in feed entries is lost. I think they’re running up against this bug in XML::Feed (which is one of the modules that Perlanet uses to process the feeds […]

Perlanet Improvements

I can be a bit of a lazy open source author at times. I love it when someone improves my code and then just emails me patches. I love it even more now that I’m using Github so that people can just fork my code and send me pull requests. That happened over the weekend. […]

This Makes Me Happy

I like it when my software is used to do interesting and useful stuff. Alex Kapranoff has built PlanetPerl.ru to aggregate blogs about Perl in Russian. He has used a patched version of my module Perlanet. I’ll be taking a close look at Alex’s patches to see what I should bring back into the CPAN […]