Installing Modules

If you’ve seen me giving my “Kingdom of the Blind” lightning talk this year, then you’ll know that I’ve been hanging around places like the LinkedIn Perl groups and StackOverflow trying to help people get the most out of Perl. It can be an “interesting” experience. One of the most frequent questions I see is […]

Perlanet Improvements

I can be a bit of a lazy open source author at times. I love it when someone improves my code and then just emails me patches. I love it even more now that I’m using Github so that people can just fork my code and send me pull requests. That happened over the weekend. […]

New CPAN Releases

I haven’t been particularly prolific in releasing new versions of my CPAN modules recently. But over the last couple of days I finally got my act together and release new versions of three modules. Array::Compare Number::Fraction Perlanet In all three cases, I’ve fixed pretty obscure bugs, added minor functionality or fixed the documenation. There’s nothing […]

Joining the Github Massive

I got tired of hosting my own Subversion repostories and having to deal with setting up access for anyone who wanted to work on my CPAN code (ok, honestly, that was two people in the last five years!) So I’ve moved all of my CPAN modules (and a few other random bits and pieces to […]