Proposed Perl Changes

PPCs Website

Many thanks to Dave Cross for providing an initial implementation of a PPC index page. – Perl Steering Council meeting #177 Maybe I should explain that in a little more detail. There’s a lot of detail, so it will take a couple of blog posts. About two weeks ago, I got a message on Slack […]

GitHub Actions for Perl Development

GitHub Actions for Perl Development

You might remember that I’ve been taking an interest in GitHub Actions for the last year or so (I even wrote a book on the subject). And at the Perl Conference in Toronto last summer I gave a talk called “GitHub Actions for Perl Development” (here are the slides and the video). During that talk, […]

Not that PR, thanks

GitHub Workflow to reject PRs

It’s October. And that means that Hacktoberfest has started. If you can get four pull requests accepted on other people’s code repositories during October then you can win a t-shirt. In many ways, I think it’s a great idea. It encourages people to get involved in open source software. But in other ways, it can […]