Plans for Riga

Riga Cat

The European Perl Conference this year is going to be held in Riga in August. That might seem a long way away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about these things. For example the conference web site went live earlier this week, enabling users to register for the conference and buy their tickets. […]

The Perl Conference in Glasgow

View from the ninth floor

Yesterday (despite the best efforts of Virgin Trains to stop me) I came home from The Perl Conference in Glasgow. I had a great week up in Glasgow, and I thought I’d better write about it before I forgot anything important. Pre-Conference I arrived on Sunday evening. This was the last day of the European […]

Professional Programmer is Professional

Professional programmer is professional

(The image above was the first result I got when searching Google Images for a CC-licensed image for “professional programmer”.) Two weeks ago, I wrote about the SEO workshop I’m running on Tuesday morning just before The Perl Conference in Glasgow this August. Today, I’d like to give a few more details about the other […]

Web Site Tune-Up: A Case Study

TPC Workshops

I thought it might be interesting to talk about some of the topics I’ll be covering at my workshops at The Perl Conference in Glasgow in August. Today I’ll be talking about the Web Site Tune-Up workshop and in my next post, I’ll cover The Professional Programmer. And I thought it would be most useful […]

London Perl Workshop Klaxon

The London Perl Workshop is looking frighteningly imminent. It’s on November 25th – that’s less than three weeks away. All across the capital (and even further afield) if you listen hard you will hear the sounds of speakers frantically trying to get their talks ready. That, at least, is how I have spent my weekend. I’m […]