What is Modern Perl?

I wrote an article for Josette called “What is Modern Perl?” In it, I talk about the different things that people might mean when they talk about Modern Perl and why it’s well worth buying a copy of the new edition of the camel book. After a gap of twelve years, a new edition of […]

Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers (Redux)

Six weeks ago I announced that I’d be running a free one-day course called “Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers” in August. Places on that course were fully booked in less than a day. So I’ve decided to run to course again, two months later. It will still be at Google Campus, and the date is […]

How Well Can You Read Documentation?

(I was going to call this post “How well do you understand context?” but I think this title is more accurate). I just saw someone recommending this code:

Looks sensible enough, doesn’t it? But it isn’t. What’s the hidden inefficiency?