Perl School 2

Yesterday was the second Perl School course. Once again it was at Google Campus and once again it was on Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers. The big difference this time though was that people were paying £30 a time to attend.

And that did make a difference. While the previous (free) version sold out in less than a day, there were still tickets on sales for this one right up to the time it started. But I actually ended up teaching more people as far fewer people didn’t turn up (there were still four people who didn’t turn up though – guess some people don’t care about wasting £30).

I thought the course went well – but I’ll wait until the feedback forms come back before taking that for granted. It felt smoother than the first run and we finished on time.

One of the best things about these courses is the way that they draw in people who don’t usually get involved in  the Perl community. Of the twenty-five or so people in the room, I think there were three or four who I had met at Perl Mongers events or YAPCs in the past. As I finish with a section on where to go for more information and as that section includes a big plug for and the London Perl Workshop, hopefully we’ll see a few more people being drawn into the community.

So now it’s time to start looking ahead. The next Perl School is already planned. It will be on 8th December and will be about Moose. Running once every two months seems to be a pretty good rhythm, so I’m also starting to think about running one at the start of February. That will probably be about DBIx::Class.

As always, I’ll post something here when I have more details. But you can also watch the upcoming events page on the Perl School web site.

And if you have any ideas of other courses that I should be running as part of this series, then please let me know.

3 thoughts on “Perl School 2

  1. Hi Dave I was one of the attendees on your course yesterday it has given me the impetus to learn more about Perl.

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