Perl School 3

The second Perl School course is just under four weeks away (and there are still tickets available) but it’s time to start looking ahead. The third Perl School is going to be on 8th December. Like the others, it will be at Google Campus.  But this time the subject will be slightly different. The first […]

A Cautionary Tale

I can never remember exactly how Time::Piece works. But that’s ok because I have documentation.


So Time::Piece has been in the Perl core since 5.9.5. I’m running Perl 5.14.2 but I don’t have Time::Piece installed. After ten minutes or so of head-scratching it came to me.

I’m running Fedora. The Fedora […] vs Templates

I’ve just been involved in a discussion on LinkedIn that I thought deserved a wider audience (I have no idea how well that link works if you’re not a member or or logged in to LinkedIn). A couple of days ago, someone asked for advice on the best way to include HTML in a Perl […]

Google Currents

Google Currents is an application for viewing content on Android and iOS devices. It reformats content (based on web feeds) to look like a magazine. It looks great on my HTC One X and I’m expecting it to look even better on my Nexus 7 when it arrives. It’s possible to subscribe to web feeds […]