Speaking at the LPW

I gave three talks at the London Perl Workshop yesterday[1]. That wasn’t the original plan, but I kept coming up with talks that seemed to be good ideas.

The last one was on 25 Years of Perl was a bit of a failure as I broke the second rule of presenting (always plug in your laptop) and the battery died just as I got to 2012. Which meant that no-one saw my big finish where I pulled out to give an overview of all 25 years and thanked everyone who had ever been involved with Perl.

I’ve put the slides to all three talks on my (new, very much “work in progress”) talks page. It includes a link to all of the 25 years talk.

Thanks (as ever) to all of the organisers, volunteers and speakers at the LPW. The workshop just gets better and better each year.

See you in 2013 – which will be the 10th LPW!

[1] And also spoke on a panel about the state of the jobs market.

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