Training Update

The training courses for this summer’s YAPC in Pisa have been announced. And my course on Modern Perl has been chosen. It’s a one-day course on August 2th (just before the conference). It costs € 180. You’ll be able to book once the payments system on the conference web site goes live. Here’s the description […]

Training in Pisa

The YAPC::Europe organisers have put out a call for training courses. They want a number of courses to offer to attendees in the couple of days before the conference. The call closed yesterday and I expect they’ll be announcing the courses in a couple of weeks. I’ve given training courses at the last couple of […]

YAPC::Europe 2009

Today I travelled home from YAPC::Europe 2009 which was held in Lisbon. Readers of my other blog will know that I almost didn’t get there at all. The return journey was far less stressful. On the weekend before the conference I gave a two-day “Introduction to Perl” course. We had six people on the course. […]


The Send-a-Newbie project is the Perl community at its best. People with a bit of spare money have donated to a fund to send people to YAPC::Europe. Edmund von der Burg and a team of trusted helpers have counted the money and closely examined the applications that they received. Edmund writes: First, a quick recap: […]

What I’m Doing At YAPC::Europe

I think I’ve now worked out all of the things that I’m doing at YAPC::Europe this year. It’s turned into quite a list. The big news is that I’m giving an “Introductory Perl” training course over the weekend before the conference. One of the themes of the conference is to get more people involved in […]