Training Update

The training courses for this summer’s YAPC in Pisa have been announced. And my course on Modern Perl has been chosen. It’s a one-day course on August 2th (just before the conference). It costs € 180. You’ll be able to book once the payments system on the conference web site goes live.

Here’s the description of the course from the YAPC site:

This course introduces the major building blocks of modern Perl. We’ll be looking at a number of CPAN modules that can make your Perl programming life far more productive.

The major tools that we will cover will be:

  • Template Toolkit
  • DBIx::Class
  • Moose
  • Catalyst
  • Plack

We’ll also look at some other modules including autodie, DateTime and TryCatch.

There are several other good courses running both before and after the conference. I’m sure there’ll be something that you’ll find interesting.

N.B: This is not an April Fool’s joke!

One thought on “Training Update

  1. Modern Perl at OpenTech

    I mentioned a few months ago that I’d be running an “Introduction to Modern Perl” training course at YAPC::Europe this year. But in the interests of speaking outside of the Perl community as much as possible, I’m also going to…

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