What I’m Doing At YAPC::Europe

YAPC::Europe 2009 I think I’ve now worked out all of the things that I’m doing at YAPC::Europe this year. It’s turned into quite a list.

The big news is that I’m giving an “Introductory Perl” training course over the weekend before the conference. One of the themes of the conference is to get more people involved in the Perl community (see, for example, Edmund’s Send-A-Newbie initiative) so the organisers thought it would be a good idea to run a beginners course just before the conference. The idea is to take people who know little or no Perl and get them to the stage where they’ll be able to get something useful out of the rest of the conference.

Details of the training are on the YAPC web site, where you can also book your place (it’s €220 for a two day course).

So the training is on Saturday and Sunday (the 1st and 2nd of August). The conference starts on Monday. I’m giving two talks at the conference:

It looks like it’s going to be a great conference (as always). I’m really looking forward to it.

Also published on Medium.

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