A few little bits and pieces, none of which justify a blog post to themselves. blogs.perl.org Some of you will have seen that Evozon’s grant to replace blogs.perl.org was cancelled a couple of months ago. This made me sad as I (along with the rest of the blogs.perl.org team) really want to see the current, […]
Tag: web development
Training Debrief
During the second week of February, I ran my (approximately) annual public Perl training courses in association with FlossUK. Things were organised slightly differently this year. Previously we’ve run two two-day “general purpose” courses – one on Intermediate Perl and one on Advanced Perl. This year we ran four courses, each of which were on […]
Public Training in London – February 2016

For several years I’ve been running an annual set of public training courses in London in conjunction with FLOSS UK (formerly known as UKUUG). For various scheduling reasons, we didn’t get round to running any this year, but we have already made plans for next year. I’ll be running five days of training in central […]