Yesterday’s post bought my subscription copy of Linux Format issue 153. This issue contains the second article in my short series about Modern Perl. In this article we take the simple DBIx::Class application that we wrote last time and put a web front end on it using Dancer. Over the next few days I’ll be […]
London Perl Workshop Review
Unfortunately O’Reilly’s Josette Garcia couldn’t be at the London Perl Workshop, so she asked if I could write something about it for her blog. It took me longer than it should have done, but my post has just been published over at Josetteorama. Hopefully Josette will be back at next year’s event. She was much […]
Programming Like It’s 1999
This article was published yesterday. It shows a way to extract data about a film from IMDB and put it into a local database. Actually, it doesn’t even do that. It produces SQL that you can then run to insert the data. It’s all rather nasty stuff and indicative of the fact that most people […]
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Does Saint Pierre and Miquelon mean anything to you? It’s a small French-owned territory just off the coast of Newfoundland. Why would this be of any interest on a Perl blog? Well, it’s a French territory with it’s own ccTLD. And that ccTLD is .pm. Ever since Perl Mongers started we’ve looked longingly at that […]
A Brief History of the LPW
In his opening remarks on Saturday, Mark Keating suggested that we might be at the tenth London Perl Workshop. That seemed unlikely to me, so I’ve done a little research. And it seems that I was right. The first LPW was in 2004, which makes this year’s the eighth. In a way, I’m happy that […]