London Perl Workshop Report

Lightning Talks Preparation at the LPW 2017

(Photo above by Chris Jack) Last Saturday was the annual London Perl Workshop. I should write up what happened before I forget it all. I arrived at about 8:30 in the morning and was able to check in quickly – collecting a bit of swag which included a free t-shirt as I was a speaker. […]

London Perl Workshop Klaxon

The London Perl Workshop is looking frighteningly imminent. It’s on November 25th – that’s less than three weeks away. All across the capital (and even further afield) if you listen hard you will hear the sounds of speakers frantically trying to get their talks ready. That, at least, is how I have spent my weekend. I’m […]

Yak Shaving with Aphra Behn

Aphra Behn Frontispiece

I have a few ideas for static web sites that I want to build. And, currently, the best place to host static web sites is, in my opinion, Github Pages. And if you’re hosting a site on Github Pages, everyone knows that the best tool to use is Jekyll. Or is it? I’ve tried to […]

Genealogical Timelines in Perl and SVG

Genealogical Timeline for Prince George

If you ever read my (mostly dead) more general blog, you might know that I’m a bit of an amateur genealogist. I’ve been tracing my family for over twenty-five years and I’ve got some branches of it back to the 1700s (actually, I have one branch back to the late 1600s). One problem in genealogy […]

Timeline Diagrams with Perl

Diagram of the "begat" sequence from Genesis 5

Two weeks ago, I introduced you to my new module SVG::TrafficLight and hinted that there were more SVG-based modules to follow. Today, I’d like to talk about the next one – SVG::Timeline. It all started over a year ago when I was looking through some of the more ridiculous religious questions on Quora when I […]