The Perl and Raku Conference, Toronto 2023

It’s been over twenty years since I spoke at a conference in North America. That was at OSCON in San Diego. I’ve actually never spoken at a YAPC, TPC or TPRC in North America. I have the standard European concern about being seen to encourage the USA’s bad behaviour by actually visiting it, so when […]

Not that PR, thanks

GitHub Workflow to reject PRs

It’s October. And that means that Hacktoberfest has started. If you can get four pull requests accepted on other people’s code repositories during October then you can win a t-shirt. In many ways, I think it’s a great idea. It encourages people to get involved in open source software. But in other ways, it can […]

RT – Action Plan for CPAN Authors


CPAN RT is going away. CPAN authors have until the beginning of March to extract any useful information from it. RT is the “Request Tracker”, a bug tracking system that is written by Best Practical. For almost as long as I can remember, anyone who uploads a module to CPAN gets a free ticket queue […]

Down the rabbit hole

Blog posts are like busses. You wait months for one and then two come along on consecutive days! Yesterday I wrote about how we didn’t need a blogging platform for the Perl community – all we really needed was a good-looking feed aggregator. I mentioned Perlsphere as one such aggregator. Then Matthew commented, saying that […]

Blogging for Perl

I think it was at YAPC Copenhagen in 2008 that a small group of us first discussed the idea of building a shared blogging platform for the Perl community. It was over a year later that we launched I remember a lot of discussions over that time where we tried to thrash out exactly […]