Year: 2012

  • 25 Years of Perl

    A few days ago, I mentioned that I’m giving a talk at the London Perl Workshop called Twenty Five Years of Perl in Twenty Five (ish) Minutes. I already have a good idea of how the talk will go. I’ve got a good structure to hang everything off. But I’m still working on the detail. I know I’m…

  • London Perl Workshop

    Today, the initial list of talks for this year’s London Perl Workshop was announced. Looks like I’ll be giving three talks of various lengths. And of various levels of seriousness. Introduction to OO Perl with Moose‎ (two hours) Twenty Five Years of Perl in Twenty Five (ish) Minutes (twenty minutes) Matt’s PSGI Archive (lightning talk)…

  • DBIC vs DBI

    Three times in the last few months I’ve had the “DBIC or raw DBI” discussion. People have told me that they don’t use DBIC because raw DBI is better. And each time, the person promoting DBI in the discussion has used an argument that boils down to “DBIC is probably useful for people who don’t…

  • Perl School 2

    Yesterday was the second Perl School course. Once again it was at Google Campus and once again it was on Modern Perl for Non-Perl Programmers. The big difference this time though was that people were paying £30 a time to attend. And that did make a difference. While the previous (free) version sold out in…

  • Learning from Bad Code

    I’ve written before about Linux Format’s habit of sharing badly written Perl code. I thought things were improving, but in the new edition (November 2012, issue 163) they’re back to their old tricks. This time it’s a tutorial called “Starfield: Learn new languages”. In this tutorial Mike Saunders writes similar starfield simulation code in C,…