The present isn’t evenly distributed either

The future of web application deployment

The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed – William Gibson The quotation above was used by Tim O’Reilly a lot around the time that Web 2.0 got going. Over recent months, I’ve had a few experiences that have made it clear to me that even the present isn’t particularly evenly […]

Please Don’t Use in the Bin

Earlier this week, the Perl magazine site,, published an article about writing web applications using That seemed like a bizarre choice to me, but I’ve decided to use it as an excuse to write an article explaining why I think that’s a really bad idea. It’s important to start by getting some definitions […]


When I write replies to questions on StackOverflow and places like that recommending that people abandon CGI programs in favour of something that uses PSGI, I often get some push-back from people claiming that PSGI makes things far too complicated. I don’t believe that’s true. But I think I know why they say it. I […]

Modern Perl Web Development

Modern Web Development with Perl from Dave Cross Last Saturday was the annual London Perl Workshop. I’ll have more to say about the day later[1], but I just wanted to take the time to share the slides for the workshop that I ran in the morning. It was a quick guide to modern Perl web […]