The present isn’t evenly distributed either

The future of web application deployment

The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed – William Gibson The quotation above was used by Tim O’Reilly a lot around the time that Web 2.0 got going. Over recent months, I’ve had a few experiences that have made it clear to me that even the present isn’t particularly evenly […]

Improvements to Planet Perl and Perlanet

Plnaet Perl

This is a story of one of those nice incidents where something starts off simple, then spirals out of control for a while but, in the end, everyone wins. On Reddit, a few days ago, someone asked ‘Is there a “Planet Perl” with an RSS feed?’ and a few people replied, pointing out the existence […]

Containers for Coverage

Test coverage

I’ve been building Docker containers again. And I think you’ll find this one a little more useful than the Perlanet one I wrote about a couple of weeks ago. Several years ago I got into Travis CI and set up lots of my GitHub repos so they automatically ran the tests each time I committed […]

Building a Perlanet Container

Screenshot showing diff

I’m a dinosaur who still believes that web feeds are a pretty neat idea. I wrote and maintain perlanet (a Perl program for aggregating web feeds into a new feed – and building a web site based on that new feed) and I use it to build a few sites on topics I’m interested in. […]