Marketing Perl

Sometimes people ask me why Perl marketing is so important. This morning I came across an excellent example of the kind of thing that we’re trying to counter. In the current issue of Linux Format, there’s an article about building a Twitter client in the bash shell. It’s written by Nick Veitch – who seems […]

Marketing Perl at FOSDEM

It’s two weeks since I went to FOSDEM and I promised to write an article about what happened there. Better do that before I forget everything. Some time ago, Gabor applied for a Perl stand at this year’s FOSDEM. The idea was that we could go along and promote Perl to people who are part […]

The “Without Whom”s

In The “M” Word, I listed many of the things that have happened in the Perl marketing world over the last year. I wanted to end the year by mentioning a few people without whom this project would not have got off the ground at all. Curtis “Ovid” Poe started writing about Perl’s image issues […]

The “M” Word

Yesterday was the London Perl Workshop. As always it was a fabulous day packed full of great talks about Perl. Thanks to the organisers for all the work they put in. I gave the keynote speech first thing in the morning. The talk was called The “M” Word and it was an overview of how […]