White Camels 2009

At OSCON last night the winners of this year’s White Camel awards were announced. Unless you were involved in the discussions to choose the winners or were at OSCON, you won’t have known that as there has been no announcement on any of the usual Perl news sites. And TPF wonder why people complain that […]


The Send-a-Newbie project is the Perl community at its best. People with a bit of spare money have donated to a fund to send people to YAPC::Europe. Edmund von der Burg and a team of trusted helpers have counted the money and closely examined the applications that they received. Edmund writes: First, a quick recap: […]

Net::Twitter and Iranian Elections

Over the last few days I’ve seen a large number of tweets saying that the Perl module Net::Twitter is being used to post pro-government propaganda from Iran. If it’s true, this is almost certainly a reaction to the large number of people who are using Twitter to get around the Iranian government’s censorship. It’s disappointing, […]

New CPAN Releases

I haven’t been particularly prolific in releasing new versions of my CPAN modules recently. But over the last couple of days I finally got my act together and release new versions of three modules. Array::Compare Number::Fraction Perlanet In all three cases, I’ve fixed pretty obscure bugs, added minor functionality or fixed the documenation. There’s nothing […]

What is Wrong With this Picture?

I’ve just found a number of subroutines defined this way in the code that I’m working on.

I discovered the problem because I started getting errors about “too many parameters”. I knew what the problem was (the empty prototype) but it took a couple of minutes of head-scratching before I realised why it had […]