Last night was the monthly London Perl Mongers social meeting. I hadn’t been for far too long, but I went last night and enjoyed myself. The talk was as varied as it always is, but one conversation in particular got me thinking. We were talking about YAPC Europe and someone asked if I had seen […]
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I have an interest in packaging CPAN modules as RPMs for Linux distributions based on Red Hat. For a few years, I’ve been (infrequently) building spreadsheets which list the various modules that are available as RPMs from the better know repositories (and my […]
Unicode and Perl
Over the last couple of days I’ve been involved in a couple of discussions where it is clear that other people don’t understand how Perl deals with Unicode. The documentation is clear and detailed (there’s even a good tutorial) but for some reason people still persist in misunderstanding it. Here’s a quick quiz. Can you […]
A WordPress Critter

If you were at YAPC::Europe this week you might well have seen Richard Jelinek’s talk about how to increase Perl’s popularity (update: the slides are here). As part of that talk he suggested that the Perl community needed to run more of its infrastructure using Perl and (amongst other examples) he mentioned a discussion he […]
YAPC Europe Approaches
This time next week YAPC Europe will have started and many of us will be enjoying ourselves in Kiev. The organisers published the schedule over the weekend and it looks like it’s going to be a great conference. I spent some time trying to work out which talks I want to see and I’ve written […]