London Perl Mongers on GitHub Pages

London Perl Mongers Website

The London Perl Mongers have had a website for a very long time. Since some time in 1998, I think. At first, I hosted a static site for us. Later on, we bought our own server and hosted it at a friendly company around Silicon Roundabout. But for most of the lifetime of the organisation, […]

Advertising Perl

Advertising Perl

Last weekend, we had a very successful (and very enjoyable) London Perl Workshop. After a five-year break, it was great to see so many old faces again. But in addition to people who had been regular attendees at recent workshops, two other groups of people were there in large numbers—people who had moved away from […]

Mailing Lists

Over the years I’ve set up a few mailing lists for the discussion of various projects I’ve been involved with. There’s always an expectation that mailing lists will flourish without much input from me. But it never works out like that. The truth is that most mailing lists just quietly die. And, in many cases, […]

London Perl Jobs Mailing List is undergoing one of its periodic reorganisations. We’re in the process of moving our web site over to a new server and as part of that move, we’ve decided that we’ll move our mailing list infrastructure to a third party system. Both the main discussion list and the announcements list will be run on […]