Modern Web Development with Perl and Dancer2

Here are some more details of the Modern Web Development with Perl and Dancer2 course that I’ll be running in Cluj-Napoca on the day before YAPC Europe.

The course runs a full day (that’s six hours – in four 90-minute sessions with breaks in between). It’s a hands-on course – you’ll need to bring a laptop and closer to the time I’ll email attendees with details of the software they will need to have installed. Like all of the pre-conference training, the course will take place at Cluj Hub on Tuesday 23rd August.

Over the course of twelve steps, we’ll build a simple Todo list program. We’ll be using a number of modern web development techniques (not just Perl) in order to make the app look really shiny and modern.

The twelve steps we will be taking are as follows:

  1. Set up a basic Dancer2 app
  2. Make it look nicer with the addition of the Bootstrap CSS framework
  3. Use Plack Middleware to serve static content more efficiently
  4. Display some data in our app
  5. Get the data from a database
  6. Return the data as JSON and display it using Mustache
  7. Use jQuery to show/hide completed items
  8. Mark items as completed
  9. Add new tasks to the app
  10. Add user login
  11. Edit and delete tasks
  12. Add tags to tasks and filter the display on those tags

If there’s time left at the end, we’ll discuss other useful enhancements that we might want to make to the app – and perhaps even try adding them.

We’ll be using the following Perl tools:

And the following non-Perl tools:

Usually, a course like this would cost around £300. But because it’s at YAPC and the sponsors are so generous, we can offer it for the heavily discounted price of 100€.

Cluj Hub sounds like a fabulous venue for the training courses and I’m sure that the day will be a lot of fun. Perhaps more importantly, I’m also sure that attendees will come away with some useful skills to add to their CVs.

Tickets are on sale now. Please buy quickly – before they sell out.

Also published on Medium.

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