Perlanet Improvements

I can be a bit of a lazy open source author at times. I love it when someone improves my code and then just emails me patches. I love it even more now that I’m using Github so that people can just fork my code and send me pull requests.

That happened over the weekend. I got a pull request from cycles saying that he’d been refactoring Perlanet and asking if I’d be interested in merging his changes. These refactorings had come out of a mini-hackathon that had been run by the North West England Perl Mongers. I knew that they had been interested in using Perlanet to power the Iron Man aggregator, but that the monolithic nature of  the code made it hard for them to subclass the bits that they needed to change.

So what cycles has done is to take my code and break it down into a number of smaller functions (and a couple more classes) so that people can subclass it and override methods where they want different behaviour to the defaults that I use. I can see this leading to a little ecosystem of Perlanet subclasses where people release their favourite tweaks to CPAN. I see this as a good thing.

I liked cycles’ changes so I merged them into my repository. They’re available there now if you want to look. I haven’t yet released a new version to CPAN as there are a few things I want to check out first.

Firstly, this new update seems to have increased the version of Moose required. With the version of Moose that I was running on my system (0.88), a lot of the tests were failing. Updating to 0.93 solved that problem. I need to work out exactly what the problem was and update the “requires” line in Build.PL appropriately.

Secondly, the newer version of Moose gave a deprecation warning when used with CHI. Updating to the latest version of CHI fixed that (but that, in turn, meant upgrading a few modules in the Log::Any family). This is all starting to get a bit too close to the bleeding edge of CPAN for a module that I want as many people as possible to use.

Finally, cycles had started to use TryCatch in the module. Not, of course, that I object to high quality exception handling in my code, but this is another module that isn’t yet in general use. It’s something that you won’t find in a “standard” (whatever that means) Perl installation.

I’m in the process of building RPMs of all of the missing modules (or later versions for the modules where the Fedora/Centos build is just lagging CPAN a bit). They’ll be available from in the next few days.

Currently I’m leaning towards just releasing the new version and hoping that the people who want to use it will have enough enthusiasm that they won’t complain about the updated and new modules that are required. But I thought it would be interesting to ask for your opinions too.

As a user of CPAN modules, how do you decide when a module is too cutting edge for you to use? Do you just install newer versions of modules automatically when an installation asks you too? Or are you a little more careful than that? Would the constraints in this latest version of Perlanet prevent you from using it?

And as a writer of CPAN modules, how cutting edge do you allow yourself to be? Are you happy to release stuff that only works with the very latest versions of Moose or other fast-moving modules? Or do you like to ensure that your stuff is usable by people who might be a little behind the curve?

I should make it clear that I’m very grateful for the work that cycles did and I’m not disparaging his efforts at all. I’m just dithering a bit about how cutting edge I want to be.

One thought on “Perlanet Improvements

  1. As a CPAN user I:
    * regularly update all my installed modules
    * stay just behind what the community considers the “bleeding edge”
    * treat modules flag as experimental by their authors as such
    I would not stop using a module because the author added “bleeding/cutting edge” dependencies unless it broke my own software. I tend to believe most CPAN authors know what they are doing. I do however, hope that CPAN authors use “bleeding/cutting edge” technologies out of neccessity and not just because all the cool kids are doing it 😉

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