Proposed Perl Changes (part 2)

PPCs Website

At the end of my last post, we had a structure in place that used GitHub Actions to run a workflow every time a change was committed to the PPC repository. That workflow would rebuild the website and publish it on GitHub Pages. All that was left for us to do was to write the […]

Proposed Perl Changes

PPCs Website

Many thanks to Dave Cross for providing an initial implementation of a PPC index page. – Perl Steering Council meeting #177 Maybe I should explain that in a little more detail. There’s a lot of detail, so it will take a couple of blog posts. About two weeks ago, I got a message on Slack […]

London Perl Mongers on GitHub Pages

London Perl Mongers Website

The London Perl Mongers have had a website for a very long time. Since some time in 1998, I think. At first, I hosted a static site for us. Later on, we bought our own server and hosted it at a friendly company around Silicon Roundabout. But for most of the lifetime of the organisation, […]

A link site of your very own

Dave's pointless links site

When I first wrote about my pointless personal side projects a few months ago, I used the software I had written to generate my own link site (like a LinkTree clone) as an example. I’m happy to report that I’ve continued to work on this software. Recently, it passed another milestone—I released a version to CPAN. It’s called App::LinkSite[*]. If […]