If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you’ll know that I have an interest in packaging CPAN modules as RPMs for Linux distributions based on Red Hat. For a few years, I’ve been (infrequently) building spreadsheets which list the various modules that are available as RPMs from the better know repositories (and my […]

A Cautionary Tale

I can never remember exactly how Time::Piece works. But that’s ok because I have documentation.


So Time::Piece has been in the Perl core since 5.9.5. I’m running Perl 5.14.2 but I don’t have Time::Piece installed. After ten minutes or so of head-scratching it came to me.

I’m running Fedora. The Fedora […]

Fedora and Centos CPAN RPMs

Today I’ve updated my spreadsheets of the CPAN modules that are available as RPMs from various repositories for Fedora and Centos. I see that in many cases the “official” repos are now more up to date than my own repo (which I originally set up because the official repos are sometimes out of date). This […]

META.yml and Building RPMs

An email has flooded in. It was in response to my piece about Building RPMs from CPAN Distributions and it was from Andreas Koenig. Andreas runs PAUSE, which is the service CPAN authors use to upload stuff to CPAN, so he knows what he’s talking about when it comes to CPAN (and many other matters). […]