Moose Course This Saturday

I’m running another Perl School this Saturday (6th April). This time the subject is Object Oriented Programming with Perl and Moose. I ran a two-hour taster version of this course at the London Perl Workshop back in November, but this is the full six-hour version. Tickets are £30 each. The course is run at Google […]

Texinfo 5.0 in Perl

There was a story on Slashdot on Sunday saying that the new version of Texinfo had replaced the old, C, implementation of makeinfo with one written in Perl. I thought it would be interesting to look at the Perl they’ve written. This is, after all, a reasonably large example of Perl code that will be […]

Training Debrief

I’ve spent a lot of the last seven days running training courses. It might be interesting to share some thoughts about how they went. Last Saturday was Perl School 4. A week before the course I was a little worried about ticket sales, but I did a bit of marketing early last week and managed […]