Perl Weekly Challenge – 2019-03-25

I’m not sure that I’ll have time to do these every week, but here are my answers to this week’s two Perl Weekly Challenges. Challenge #1 Write a script to replace the character ‘e’ with ‘E’ in the string ‘Perl Weekly Challenge’. Also print the number of times the character ‘e’ found in the string.

Nothing really complicated here. We can […]

Plans for Riga

Riga Cat

The European Perl Conference this year is going to be held in Riga in August. That might seem a long way away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about these things. For example the conference web site went live earlier this week, enabling users to register for the conference and buy their tickets. […]

A Subtle Bug

Buggy Code

Earlier this week, I saw this code being recommended on Stack Overflow. The code contains a nasty, but rather subtle bug. The version I saw has been fixed now, but I thought there were some interesting lessons to learn by looking at the problems in some detail. Let’s start by working out what the bug […]

London Perl Workshop 2018 Leaders

Last Saturday was the London Perl Workshop and (as has become traditional), I’m going to tell you how much fun it was so that you feel jealous that you missed it and make more of an effort to come along next year. This year was slightly different for me. For various reasons, I didn’t have […]

Please Don’t Use in the Bin

Earlier this week, the Perl magazine site,, published an article about writing web applications using That seemed like a bizarre choice to me, but I’ve decided to use it as an excuse to write an article explaining why I think that’s a really bad idea. It’s important to start by getting some definitions […]