My Sekrit Project

It’s quite possible that over the last year or so you’ve heard me muttering about a secret project that I’ve been working on. Well, this morning I can finally reveal what it is. Do you ever wish that the Perl community had a centralised blogging site where anyone could set up a blog for free? […]

Socialable Mongers

One of the nice things about the Perl community is its friendliness. I’ve met up with Perl Mongers on three continents. It’s easy, if you’re going past a city you just look for local groups on the web site and drop them a mail. There are hundreds of cities in the world where I […]

Perl Monks Passwords

It seems that the Perl Monks database has been compromised through some kind of security hole on the server that hosts it. That would, of course, be bad enough. But it seems that the user passwords in that database were stored in plain text. So whoever got the database, got access to the passwords of […]

Marketing Perl

People seem to be coming round to the idea that Perl needs better marketing. Both Ovid and Gabor have written some interesting blog posts recently. What Does the Outside of Perl Look Like? Defining the Marketing Problem Solutions Are Not Problems. Problems Are Problems Perception is Reality – we need a director of marketing Is […]