Doomed Domains

Summer is YAPC time. And YAPC means getting inspired on Perl-related projects. And that, obviously, means buying domain names for those projects. And that, inevitably, leads to lots of email from domain registries at about this time of year which roughly translate to “are you ever going to do anything useful with that domain you bought a couple of years ago, or should you just face facts and let it go?”

This year’s batch brings memories of projects from the last three years.

In Copenhagen in 2008 I gave a talk called Proud to Use Perl. To back it up I started a blog where I planned to share things that made me proud to use Perl. It didn’t last long. Even when I brought a team to help me, no-one had the time and nothing has been written there for two years. An advocacy site like that does more harm than good unless it it kept updated. So unless someone wants to take over the site (and keep it up to date) I’m going to let the domain lapse.

Lisbon in 2009 seemed to be largely about getting the Perl marketing project up and running. It was the scene of the famous Perl Marketing BOF. One of the ideas that came out of it was that Perl needed better web sites. I registered and in order to… well… I’m not really sure what they were for. Currently they both just redirect to Do you have a better use for them?

And then last year in Pisa we had Perl Vogue. I was learning by that point and only registered the domain for a year. I’d really love for the Perl Vogue idea to really take off, but I’m not going to be the one to do it. If you want to try, then let me know.

Most of these domains expire some time in July. If you have ideas of what we can do with them then please get in touch. But, be aware that any suggestions that start “couldn’t you just…” are likely to be ignored. I’m looking for suggestions that start “I’d like too…”.

6 thoughts on “Doomed Domains

  1. What was the idea for Perl Vogue? Presumably a Perl magazine? How about a newsletter ala Ruby Weekly et. al? That presumably would be less effort for “somebody”.

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