Mailing Lists

Over the years I’ve set up a few mailing lists for the discussion of various projects I’ve been involved with. There’s always an expectation that mailing lists will flourish without much input from me. But it never works out like that.

The truth is that most mailing lists just quietly die. And, in many cases, they end up attracting a lot of spam – which the owner of the list has to check on a semi-regular basis on the off-chance that there’s something interesting or useful in amongst the crap. There never is.

So I’ve decided to close a few mailing lists that didn’t seem to be going anywhere. I don’t suppose anyone will miss them, but I’ve taken a copy of the archives and I may do something with them at some point in the future.

The lists that I have removed are:


A couple of these lists have received slightly special treatment. The xml-feed list is advertised as the support email address for XML::Feed. I’ve redirected that address so that mail now comes to me. Hopefully my spam filters will ensure that I’m not overrun with spam from it before I work out a more permanent solution.

The other list that has been treated differently is the training-news one. That was set up so that people could get information about upcoming training courses that I would be running. I still think that’s useful, so I’ve replaced it with a new list (run by MailChimp). If you’re interested in keeping in touch with what I’m doing then please sign up to the new list by entering your email address below. (The same form will now appear in the sidebar on every page of this site.)


So, there you are. I’ve removed a few moribund mailing lists. I hope that hasn’t ruined anyone’s day.

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