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File metadata and controls

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Underlying Tools

All of the web development mechanisms that we will cover use many of the same underlying tools. To avoid repetition, we will introduce some of the most importan of these tools in this chapter.

  • Perl is the programming language that we will use for the web-server side code in all of our examples.

  • Moose (and its cut-down cousin, Moo) gives a simple and powerful way to write Object-Oriented code in Perl.

  • The Template Toolkit is a great way to separate the parts of our code that display data to the users from the parts which work out what we need to show to the users.

  • DBIx::Class is used to communicate with a database.

  • PSGI is a specification that defines the interaction between a web server and a web application. It's like a super-charged version of CGI. Plack is a toolkit for working with that specification.



Template Toolkit

