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                     S Y B S E R V   V 2 . 0

sybserv is a simple script to extract the details about Sybase Servers
from an interfaces file. For the servers it is asked to report on, it 
will list the Server name together with the hostname, IP address and 
port number of both the master and query services.


The latest version of ms-mail should always be available from:


In order to install and use this script you will need Perl version
5.002 or better.

You'll also need Sybase SQL Server installed on your server.

Currently sybserv only works on Solaris, HP-US and Linux.


sybserv is distributed as a gzipped tar file. To extract the files
from the archive type the following commands:

    gunzip sybserv.2.0.tar.gz
    tar xvf sybserv.2.0.tar

You will end up with three files called README (this file), COPYING
and sybserv..

Installation of ms-mail is as simple as copying the file
into a directory that is on your executable path and changing the first
line of the script to point to your Perl executable.


sybserv is called from the command line. In its simplest form it is 
called without parameters. It will then list all of the SQL servers
found in the default Sybase interfaces file. For each server. it will
list the name of the server together with the name, IP address and
port number of both the master and query services.

If sybserv is called with one or more server names as arguments it 
will report on those servers if found in the interfaces files.


will only report on Sybase servers called 'SYBASE', 'PRODUCTION'
and 'TEST1'. Please note that each of these server names can be
Perl regular expressions, which will therefore more than one
server name (n.b. as Perl REs and shell wildcard characters 
sometimes overlap, you'll probably want to quote these arguments).

e.g. sybserv 'SYB.*'

will report on all Sybase servers that start with the string 'SYB'.


This file is currently all of the documentation you get! if you think 
you need any more, please let me know.


Questions about using this script should be directed to the author at I also monitor the newsgroup comp.databases.sybase
which would be another good place to ask questions.


(c) 1998, 2000, Magnum Solutions Ltd, All rights reserved.

This script is free software; you are free to redistibute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.